Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Has the Obama Health Care Law Affected Floridians For the Better or Essay

Has the Obama Health Care Law Affected Floridians For the Better or the Worst - Essay Example Under the PPAC, the American health insurance sector became a mandatory and dictatorial part of each and every person's life. Health care is no longer optional and anyone who dares to defy the law will be duly punished. The law has been viewed by many to be unconstitutional and a violation of basic human rights. That is why state legislative houses across the country have been doing their best to repeal the law on the state level. One of the states that has been trying to repeal the PPAC because of the far reaching negative effects that it has on the overall population of the state is Florida, under the able leadership of Gov. Rick Scott. In Florida, a state which houses a large number of retirees, 80 % of the retiree population will be looking at higher insurance coverage costs as Obama-care as the PPAC has come to be known, forces the Floridians to purchase health insurance coverage that they either do not need or does not totally apply to their medical needs according to Rajasekhar (2010). The main problem with Obama-care is that even though the legislators had the best intention of the people at heart, they neglected to take the individual needs of every state in their drafting of the law. Most of Florida's population is comprised of retirees who rely mostly on Medicare and Medicaid for their health insurance coverage. Obama-care promised to provide cost savings to the Floridians. However, Rajasekhar (2010) explains that what happened instead is that the law carved out $529 Medicare savings that instead got funneled into other, more expensive health care projects. Such a move cannot serve to benefit the poor Floridians who will be forced to take on Medicaid coverage instead.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Work life balance “Don’t be fired by your family” Essay Example for Free

Work life balance â€Å"Don’t be fired by your family† Essay Best practice has shown that â€Å"both employees and employers can benefit when staff are able to adapt flexible work practices thereby enabling them to better manage their work and family responsibilities† (UQ, 2007, p. 1). In the end result this could increase employees productivity. â€Å"Supervisors have an important role in developing and maintaining a family-friendly work environment† (UQ, 2007, p. 1). â€Å"A supervisor could help creating this environment by flexibly organizing work arrangements and workloads taking into consideration certain factors such as night lecturing, summer schools, acting as a role model demonstrating understanding and acceptance of work family balance, and take a positive approach to negotiating flexible arrangements† (UQ, 2007, p. 1-2). 3. 2 Teleworking is good for business and employees Teleworking is another practice resulted in improving productivity. According to Business Legal Reports (2006), †teleworking has some benefits such as: relocation cost savings, increased productivity by reducing employees absentee, reduced costs for office space, and employee satisfaction† (p. 7). So, when supervisors consider benefiting from telework, they won’t only provide an improved work-life balance for the employee, but also they will get improved business performance for the employer. 3. 3 Other best practices 3. 3. 1 Concern for employee community (Employee Care Program and Employee Relations Program). This practice proved that it could reduce employees’ turnover. This kind of program â€Å"monitors how people are doing in their jobs and in their lives, offers rewards, gifts, annual picnic and holiday, flexible scheduling and telecommuting, and medical coverage. † 3. 3. 2 Encourage employees to take their vacations This practice is important to enable employees to relax enough to avoid stress, anxiety, emotional problems, job burnout in order to let employees perform at their optimum level. 3. 3. 3 Consumer-driven health care Textron, Inc is an example company that adopted this practice. The company â€Å"consolidated employee healthcare options and shifted to consumer-driven healthcare. This resulted in increased productivity, a significant decline in healthcare costs, and decrease in the casual absentee rates and the incidence of disability leave. † (Business Legal Reports, 2007b, p. 3) 2. Conducting Performance appraisals â€Å"Monitoring staff performance is a key for any supervisor. It should be part of on-going discussions with staff and volunteers about their work and the results obtained. † (Mathew, M. , 2007) According to Hays, S. W.(2004), â€Å"an immense amount of energy has recently been devoted to upgrading the quality of performance appraisals by tying them to organizational missions and goals. † (p. 262) 2. 1 Best practices for evaluation? According to Hays, S. W. (2004), best practices concerning evaluation showed that â€Å"HR experts agree that evaluations ought to (a) be based on objective and observable criteria, (b) involve mutual goal setting, (c) avoid the tendency to assess irrelevant worker traits, and (d) be tailored to each individual job and worker (rather than using one form for every employee). † 4. 2 360-Degree performance management feedback system According to Business Legal Reports (2006), â€Å"this system, which solicits feedback from boss, peers and direct reports if there are any, has been increasingly embraced as the best of all available methods for collecting performance feedback. † (p. 4) â€Å"The 360 process allows for multiple points of view to be given on any given individual. It neutralizes what might otherwise be one rater’s bias (either positive or negative) and helps to paint a more comprehensive picture of that individual’s performance. † (p. 4) 4. 3 Other best practices Hays, S. W. (2004) also mentioned other best practices in conducting performance appraisals such as: â€Å"Employee Performance Management System (EPMS), 360-degree evaluation, Team-based evaluations, and Gainsharing. † (p. 262) 5 Resolving Conflict According to Vogel, A. (2007), â€Å"unproductive workplace conflict arises when appropriate communication breaks down. The result is wasted work time; a drop in motivation, productivity and quality of service; employee attrition; loss of authority; a stressful work environment; and even direct damage to the company. † 5. 1 The best approach to avoid â€Å"The best approach to workplace conflict is to avoid unproductive quarreling altogether. And suggested four strategies –mentioned by Daniel Dana- for eliminating strife: (1) address conflict early, (2) avoid a one-sided solution, (3) take risks such as apologizing, (4) respect others’ peace-making gestures. † (Vogel, A. , 2007) 5. 2 Guidelines for managing the situation. Vogel, A, (2007) mentioned some guidelines to help managing scuffles before they escalate into real crisis such as: mediating conflict between two employees, decide to mediate, hold preliminary meetings, conduct a three-way meeting, work out a deal, self-mediation, step outside your office, listen first, and finally manage diverging viewpoints. † 6 Improving Employee Relations 6. 1 Create a newsletter One practice to improve employee relations is to create a newsletter that works for employee communications either a printed one or an electronic one (by e-mail or on the website). 6. 2 Build a forum on your website or intranet This forum will provide an informal communication channel for employees to share their ideas, events or even their problems 6. 3 Create shared events Being a supervisor you could make some events shared even if you turn the routine group tasks into fun shared events. For example CMP Technology made the spring-cleaning records become an event. â€Å"Employees worked together in teams and competed to win a dinner for the team and discarded 12 tons of unnecessary paper in the process. † (Business Legal Reports, 2007a2) III. Conclusion. The main conclusion is that best practices can -for sure- help supervisors and enhance the way they deal with their responsibilities with employees by adopting approaches, techniques, and policies to create a positive, creative, and supportive work environment. Another conclusion is that information technology has an important role in providing effective HR practices. Finally, supervisors should be a model themselves for their employees in order to make a real change. References Bjomberg, L. (2002). Training and development: Best practices. Public Personnel Management. Winter 2002.International Public Management Association for Human Resources Survey. Retrieved April 16, 2008 from http://www. entrepreneur. com/tradejournals/article/160542388_1. html Business Legal Reports, Inc. (2006). Top 10 Best Practices in HR Management for 2008. United States of America: Business Legal Reports, Inc. Business Legal Reports (2007a1). 10 Tips for HR to Boost Intranet Efficiency. Best Practices in HR. (838), pp. 1-2 Business Legal Reports (2007a2). ‘Bin There, Dump That’-Spring Cleaning Recors Becomes Event at CMP Technology. Best Practices in HR. (838), pp. 3 Business Legal Reports (2007b). Case study: Move to consumer-driven healthcare decreases costs, improves employee health. Best Practices in Compensation Benefits. (734), pp. 3 Collins, R. Druten, K. V. (2003). Survey of Australian and New Zealand Human Resource Practices, CCH and AGSM. Retrieved April 16, 2008 from http://www2. agsm. edu. au/agsm/web. nsf/AttachmentsByTitle/CCHREPORT2003/$FILE/CCH+Final+2003. pdf Hays, S. W. (2004). Trends and Best Practices in State and Local Human Resource Management: Lessons to be learned? Review of Public Administration, 24(3), pp. 256-275, SAGE Publications. Retrieved April 16, 2008 from http://rop.sagepub. com/cgi/content/abstract/24/3/256 Mathew, M. (2007). Best Practices Module: Human resources management. British Columbia Museum Association. Retrieved April 16, 2008 from http://www. museumsassn. bc. ca/Images/Best%20Practices%20Modules%202/Human%20Resource%20Management%20FINAL. pdf Orsini, B. (2000). Improving Internal Communications. Internal Auditor. December 2000. Retrieved April 16, 2008 from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m4153/is_6_57/ai_69759744/pg_1 Rubin, L. Merripen, C. (2003). IGDA Business Committee: Best practices in Human Resources. IGDA. Retrieved April 16, 2008 from.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Teaching - A Rewarding Profession :: Education Admissions Essays

Teaching - A Rewarding Profession Being the first to attend college in my family, it was hard to decide what field I wanted to go into. There were so many choices. In making such a large lifelong decision, I decided to follow my heart. I thought back to when I was in high school at Narrows. I had a wonderful experience there. I also had some great, inspiring teachers. One teacher sticks out clearly to me. It was my AP Biology class my senior year. The teacher expected so much. He came into the room energetic. Full of life. Determined. And only being a student, I could tell this. He strived to teach to all the different learning styles in the classroom. No one was allowed to "slide" by. He used repetition and hands-on assignments as methods to relate the subject matter he taught. He had all the components that every great teacher should have; empathy, caring, drive, determination, motivation, creativeness, patience, reflection, originality, enthusiasm.... This superb individual is the reason I want to teach. I want to make a difference in children's lives like he made in mine. I want to encourage and push students beyond their expectations to meet mine. I am a firm believer that setting higher expectations as a teacher increases achievement in the classroom. I believe teaching is one profession where several professions are combined. meaning, I will not only be a teacher but, also, a role model, counselor, parent, nurse, care provider, official, and several other 'professions' in one days' work. I believe each child regardless of race, culture, gender, etc has the potential to an everlasting, promising educational future. As a teacher, I will have to provide whatever means necessary to fulfill my duties as an effective teacher. I hope at the end of each school year the students will have rewarding endeavors as a result of my teaching. In my classroom, I hope to take an authoritarian approach to classroom management. I believe an organized, well managed environment allows for productivity and knowledge intake. I represent several different philosophical approaches in maintaining and teaching my classroom. I would be a progressivist because it encourages others to cooperate and understand different opinions from fellow classmates.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ray Bradbury Essay -- essays research papers

Ray Bradbury Ray Bradbury was a dreamer. Bradbury had a skill at putting his dreams onto paper, and into books. He dreams dreams of magic and transformation, good and evil, small-town America and the canals of Mars. His dreams are not only popular, but durable. His work consists of short stories, which are not hard to publish, and keep in the public eye. His stories have stayed in print for nearly three decades. Ray Bradbury was born on August 22, 1920, in a small town of Waukegan, Illinois. His parents were Leonard Spaulding and Esther Moberg Bradbury. His mother, Esther Moberg loved films, she gave her son the middle name Douglas because of Douglas Fairbanks, and she passed her love of films to her son. "My mother took me to see everything....." Bradbury explains, "I'm a child of motion pictures." Prophetically, the first film he saw, at the age of three, was the horror classic "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", staring Lon Chanley. His teenage Aunt Neva gave the boy his appreciation of fantasy, by reading him the Oz books, when he was six. When Bradbury was a child he was encouraged to read the classic, Norse, Roman, and Greek Myths. When he was old enough to choose his own reading materials, he chose books by Edger Rice Burroughs and the comic book heroes Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, and Prince Valiant. When Bradbury was in Waukegan he developed his interest in acting and Drama. After seeing a magician, known as Blackstone, he became fascinated with magic also. In 1932, his family moved to Tucson Arizona. With his talents he learned in Waukegan (amateur magician) he got a job at the local radio station. "I was on the radio every Saturday night reading comic strips to the kiddies and being paid in free tickets, to the local cinema, where I saw 'The Mummy', 'The Murders in the Wax Museum', 'Dracula', .....and 'King Kong'." His family only stayed in Tuscan for a year, but Bradbury feels: "It was one of the greatest years of my life because I was acting and singing in operettas and writing, my first short stories." In 1934 his family moved to Los Angeles, where Bradbury has remained. He attended Los Angeles High School, where he wrote and took part in many dramatic productions. His literary ... ...feild is. The demands of the commercial marketplace and the need to confine a popular writer and his within an easy recognizable image have resulted in Bradbury's being jammed uncomfortably into a box labeled "Science Fiction". No definition of science fiction exists that pleases everybody, and even if it did, to apply it casually to the work of Ray Brabdbury would be inaccurate and unfair. H.G. Wells, whom many regard as a classical science fiction writer, had this to say about his own novels "They are all fantasies; they do not aim to project a serious possibility; they aim indeed only at the amount of conviction as one gets in a good gripping dream. They have to hold the reader to the end by art and illusion and not by proof and argument, and the moment he closes the cover the reflects he wakes up to their impossibility." Wells here is contrasting his stories with those of Jules Verne, wich he calls, 'anticipatory inventions." Viewed this way, virtually all of Bradbury's stories are fantasies, with Wells's concept of the "good gripping dream" coming closest to describing their effect. Even today Ray Bradbury's place in literature is not clear.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Frankenstien Essay

When two contrasting personalities are juxtaposed, it often results in the illumination of distinctive characteristics of the personalities, reflecting the theme of a literary work. In Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, Victor Frankenstein and The Monster are an example of this. As a foil to Frankenstein, The Monster exhibits personality traits that greatly contrast those of Frankenstein. The portrayed sensitivity in the monster contrasts the selfish behavior as Frankenstein; his harsh ways are highlighted by the compassionate ones of The Monster, and the rationality shown in the dialogue involving The Monster shows how irrational Frankenstein can be, all relating to the theme of the need for a balanced life. Throughout the novel, The Monster is characterized as a sensitive being; he wants to be loved and resents the fact that he was rejected by Frankenstein. As he gains knowledge and begins to grow more intelligent, The Monster comes to the realization that Victor abandoned him, that he is unwanted. This frustrates him as he continually gets rejected by society. Although Victor seems to think very highly of himself, The Monster has a very low self-esteem, â€Å"I, the miserable and the abandoned, am an abortion, to be spurned at, and kicked, and trampled on† (pg #), which stems from his rejection by both Victor and society as a whole. This character trait of The Monster makes the sort of selfishness of Victor, as it shows that, in his search for fame and glory, he was uncaring of the consequences. In creating The Monster, Victor’s intentions were not what they should have been; instead of trying to create life in order to make the world better, he was doing is for the sole purpose of becoming a God-like person. His God-complex is apparent in other parts of the novel as well, when he meets The Monster in the mountains and they have a conversation about Victor’s want to destroy The Monster. As the conversation progresses, it is made clear that Victor is unwilling to deal with the consequences of his actions in a rational manner. The Monster, seemingly more intelligent at this point, acts as the â€Å"adult† in this situation, whereas Victor acts as a child with a very ego-centric view on the world.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sally Hemings Her Relationship With Thomas Jefferson

Sally Hemings Her Relationship With Thomas Jefferson An important note on terms: the term mistress refers to a woman who lived with and was sexually involved with a married man. It does not always imply that the woman did so voluntarily or was completely free to make the choice; women through the ages have been pressured or forced into being mistresses of powerful men. If it was true and examine the evidence outlined below that Sally Hemings had children by Thomas Jefferson, it is also undoubtedly true that she was enslaved by Jefferson (for all but a brief time in France) and that she had no legal ability to choose whether or not to have a sexual relationship with him. Thus, the often-used meaning of mistress in which the woman chooses to have a relationship with a married man would not apply. In the Richmond Recorder in 1802, James Thomson Callendar first began to publicly allege that Thomas Jefferson kept one of his slaves as his concubine and fathered children with her. The name of SALLY will walk down to posterity alongside Mr. Jeffersons own name, Callendar wrote in one of his articles on the scandal. Who Was Sally Hemings? What is known of Sally Hemings? She was a slave owned by Thomas Jefferson, inherited through his wife Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson (October 19/30, 1748 - September 6, 1782) when her father died. Sallys mother Betsy or Betty was said to be the daughter of a black slave woman and a white ship captain; Betsys children were said to have been fathered by her owner, John Wayles, making Sally a half-sister of Jeffersons wife. From 1784, Sally apparently served as a maid and companion of Mary Jefferson, Jeffersons youngest daughter. In 1787, Jefferson, serving the new United States government as a diplomat in Paris, sent for his younger daughter to join him, and Sally was sent with Mary. After a brief stop in London to stay with John and Abigail Adams, Sally and Mary arrived in Paris. Why Do People Think Sally Hemings Was Jefferson's Mistress? Whether Sally (and Mary) lived at the Jefferson apartments or the convent school is uncertain. What is fairly certain is that Sally took French lessons and may also have trained as a laundress. What is certain is that in France, Sally was free according to French law. What is alleged, and not known except by implication, is that Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings began an intimate relationship in Paris, Sally returning to the United States pregnant, Jefferson promising to free any of her (their) children when they reached the age of 21. What little evidence there is of a child born to Sally after her return from France is mixed: some sources say the child died quite young (the Hemings family tradition). What is more certain is that Sally had six other children. Their birth dates are recorded in Jeffersons Farm Book or in letters he wrote. DNA tests in 1998, and a careful rendering of the birth dates and Jeffersons well-documented travels puts Jefferson at Monticello during a conception window for each of the children born to Sally. The very light skin and the resemblance of several of Sallys children to Thomas Jefferson were remarked upon by a good number of those who were present at Monticello. Other possible fathers were either eliminated by the 1998 DNA tests on male-line descendants (the Carr brothers) or dismissed because of internal inconsistencies in the evidence. For example, an overseer reported seeing a man (not Jefferson) coming from Sallys room regularly but the overseer did not start working at Monticello until five years after the time of those visits. Sally served, probably, as a chambermaid at Monticello, also doing light sewing. The affair was revealed publicly by James Callender after Jefferson refused him a job. There is no reason to believe she left Monticello until after Jeffersons death when she went to live with her son Eston. When Eston moved away, she spent her last two years living on her own. There is some evidence that he asked his daughter, Martha, to give Sally her time, an informal way to free a slave in Virginia which would prevent the imposition of the 1805 Virginia law requiring freed slaves to move out of the state. Sally Hemings is recorded in the 1833 census as a free woman. Bibliography Sally Hemings: Redefining History. A video from AE/Biography: Here is the complete story of the woman at the center of the first presidential sex scandal. (DVD or VHS)Jeffersons Secrets: Death and Desire in Monticello.  Andrew Burstein, 2005.  (compare prices)Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: An American Controversy: Annette Gordon-Reed and Midori Takagi, reprint 1998.  (compare prices)Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson: History, Memory, and Civic Culture: Jan Lewis, Peter S. Onuf, and Jane E. Lewis, editors, 1999.  (compare prices)Thomas Jefferson: An Intimate History: Fawn M. Brodie, trade paperback, reprint 1998.A President in the Family: Thomas Jefferson, Sally Hemings, and Thomas Woodson: Byron W. Woodson, 2001.(compare prices)Sally Hemings: An American Scandal: The Struggle to Tell the Controversial True Story.  Tina Andrews, 2002.Anatomy of a Scandal: Thomas Jefferson and the Sally Story.  Ã‚  Rebecca L. McMurry, 2002.The Jefferson-Hemings Myth: An American Trave sty.  Ã‚  The Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society, Eyler Robert Coates Sr., 2001 The Jefferson Scandals: A Rebuttal.  Ã‚  Virginus Dabs, Reprint, 1991.Jeffersons Children: The Story of an American Family.  Shannon Lanier, Jane Feldman, 2000.   For young adults.Sally Hemings: Barbara Chase-Riboud, reprint 2000. Historical fiction.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Coming of the Third Reich

The Coming of the Third Reich The book The Coming of the Third Reich written Richard Evans is aimed at examining the factors that could have contributed to the rise of the Nazi regime in Germany.Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on The Coming of the Third Reich specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The author presents a chronological account of the events that shaped the cultural and political landscape of this country in the first half of the twentieth century. Additionally, the scholar shows how Germany could be affected by various macro-environmental forces such as the global economic recession. However, at the same time, Richard Evans speaks about the individual narratives of people who witnessed the rapid transformation of the community. Their accounts can show how people’s lives were influenced by the political and economic upheavals. On the whole, one can say that the author gives a thought-provoking and interesting analysis of how the Third Reich came into existence. Admittedly, this book does not contain the information which has not been familiar to historians. The text was published in 2005, at the time, when thousands of books related to this topic had been written. However, this text can help the reader systematize his/her knowledge of this period; for instance, student can learn more about the political, cultural, social, and economic environment of Germany.Advertising Looking for book review on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is probably the author’s main rationale for writing this book. Overall, this work can be of great interest to a wide reading audience. There are several themes that are of great importance to Richard Evans. One should focus on such a problem as the sustainability of democracy. In his book, the author attempts to analyze the reasons why the Weimar Republic was transformed into one of the most total itarian states in the history of the twentieth century. Richard Evans pays attention to the confrontations and disagreements between the main political parties which played an important role in the Weimar Republic. For instance, one can speak the conflicts between the Social Democrats and the Communist Party. These political organizations were opposed to the Nazi party. However, they could not develop a common political agenda. In many cases, the legislative process in the Reichstag was extremely time-consuming (80). The author shows that these political organizations did not fully recognize the threat posed by the Nazis. This discussion helps the scholar demonstrate that the lack of political consensus can pave the way to the totalitarian regime. Additionally, one should not forget that the democratic government was often blamed for the results of the Versailles Treaty (75). The representatives of the Nazi Party emphasized the idea that the ratification of this treaty was an act of treason.Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on The Coming of the Third Reich specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Moreover, they laid stress on the notion that German liberalism led to the collapse of Germany (445). It seems that this evidence is quite valid because it can show how and why the National Socialist German Workers’ Party gained the trust of many voters. Certainly, the author does not argue that a democracy is essentially unstable. However, he provides an in-depth analysis of the political factors which enabled the Nazis to rise to power. On the whole, the author shows that the Weimar Republic was exposed to a great number of threats. It seems that Richard Evans is able to highlight the weaknesses of the German liberalism and democracy. One can say that the scholar’s analysis can enable the reader to see how Germany turned into a totalitarian and autocratic regime. While examining this issue, the writer examines both primary and secondary sources. In particular, he discusses the speeches made by various German politicians. For instance, Richard Evans provides an example of a speech made by Adolf Hitler in which he criticizes German democracy (324). Overall, these primary sources can highlight the internal conflicts within the Weimar Republic. Additionally, Richard Evans looks at the economy as one of the forces that shapes the values and priorities of people. This theme is also of great concern to this scholar. For instance, the author attaches much importance the outbreak of the Great Depression which became an important turning point in the history of Germany (232).Advertising Looking for book review on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More One should remember that before the beginning of this global recession, the National Socialist Party did not have many supporters. However, they derived some political benefits from this situation because they accused the existing political regime of being the underlying cause of hardships faced by German people. The scholar incorporates a great number of sources that can throw light on the impact of economic changes on the attitudes of people. For instance, he looks at the diaries of people who live in severe poverty (232). It should be kept in mind that the Great Depression affected many western countries and in Germany its effects were very palpable because at that time, this country was struggling with the legacies of World War I. Yet, the author’s analysis has an important limitation that should be examined more closely. For instance, the Great Depression was even more severe in the United States. However, the country was able to pass through these hardships. Similarly, the United Kingdom did not turn into an autocratic regime. These exceptions do not quite fit the arguments which lay stress on the role of economic performance. These are some of the limitations that should not be overlooked. The author also focuses on such a theme as anti-Semitism which affected the attitudes and decisions of many people in Germany. He shows that these prejudices and stereotypes attitudes were extremely widespread among many people (150). However, people, who held these views, did not have the authority to shape the lives of others. In turn, the rise of the Nazi party gave the political and administrative platform to these individuals. This is one of the aspects that can be identified. Moreover, anti-Semitism was widely used by many indiscriminate politicians who wanted to show that the problems faced by Germany could be explained by the actions of some very small group of people. This is why Jews were accused of â€Å"undermining the German nation† (150). N evertheless, the accusers did not give any examples to back up their arguments (150). To a great extent, these people relied on anti-Semitism in effort to create the image of enemies who are willing to prevent the German nation from achieving greatness. Richard Evans eloquently demonstrates the dangers of anti-Semitism or any other ideology which dehumanizes an individual on the basis of his/her race, ethnicity, or religion. This ideology becomes particularly dangerous at the time when a country passes through a period of economic and political difficulties. This is one of the aspects that can be identified. Richard Evans’ discussion of this theme can show why this rhetoric of racism eventually became the dominant ideology of the Third Reich and why it was used to justify many atrocities. So, the author’s discussion should be considered by students. On the whole, this book can be recommended to people who want to learn more about the history of Germany. This source is particularly helpful for explaining the origins of the political upheavals that engulfed Europe in the first half of the twentieth century. More importantly, this text can be useful for explaining the rise of the totalitarian regimes in some western countries. Overall, this text can be of great interest to students who study history. However, this book can be regarded only as starting point. There are some limitations that should not be disregarded. For instance, Richard Evans attempts to carry out a survey of various forces that shaped the political landscape of Germany. However, such books cannot capture every detail that can be important for explaining the rise of the Nazi party. In turn, there are many textbooks are aimed at examining one specific aspect of German history; for example, the culture of that period, the economic development of the country, or its political life. Such sources can be used by historians who want to have an in-depth understanding of how the Third Reich was established. Yet, this book can enable the readers systematize their knowledge of this historical period, especially its political conflicts. This is why it should not be overlooked. This text can be used during lessons. Richard Evans expresses several important ideas that can be discussed by educators and students during classes. For instance, the author illustrates the dangers of political populism and populists who reject the principles of critical thinking, logic, and realism. He shows that such people can stick at nothing in order to achieve power; moreover, the effects of their actions are usually disastrous. This idea can be illustrated by showing the logical inconsistencies within the rhetoric of the Nazi Party. In the course of his political career, Adolf Hitler never tried to enter into debates with his opponents who could highlight the flaws of his rhetoric. For instance, he often accused the democratic government of economic and geopolitical difficulties faced by Ge rmans. However, he avoided mentioning that Germany had been brought into World War I by the autocratic rule. Moreover, he did not say that at that time, the majority of Germans had wanted to end this war. As a rule, he made claims that could appeal to the self-esteem of many people. This is why he emphasized the superiority of the Aryan race over other nations (177). The sole purpose of this strategy was to gain the trust of voters, but not to improve the quality of life in the country. It seems this lesson can be of great relevance to the citizens of various countries since people should be able to know what kind of goals politicians try to achieve. By discussing these issues, a teacher can achieve several objectives. First of all, it is possible to show why the Nazis managed to win the loyalty of many people and come to power. However, at the same time, one can demonstrate the political choices made by citizens should be based critical evaluation of arguments and claims that are m ade by other people, especially political leaders. These are the main results that can be achieved in this way. Evans, Richard. The Coming of the Third Reich, New York: Penguin, 2004. Print.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Margaret Murray Washington, First Lady of Tuskegee

Margaret Murray Washington, First Lady of Tuskegee Margaret Murray Washington was an educator, administrator, reformer, and clubwoman who married Booker T. Washington and worked closely with him at Tuskegee and on educational projects. She was very well known in her own time, she was somewhat forgotten in later treatments of black history, perhaps because of her association with a more conservative approach to winning racial equality. Early Years Margaret Murray Washington was born in Macon, Mississippi on March 8 as Margaret James Murray.  According to the 1870 census, she was born in 1861; her tombstone gives 1865 as her birth year.  Her mother, Lucy Murray, was a former slave and a washerwoman, mother of four to nine children (sources, even those approved by Margaret Murray Washington in her lifetime, have different numbers).  Margaret stated later in life that her father, an Irishman whose name is not known, died when she was seven years old.  Margaret and her older sister and next younger brother are listed in that 1870 census as â€Å"mulatto† and the youngest child, a boy then four, as black.  Ã‚   Also according to later stories by Margaret, after her father’s death, she moved in with a brother and sister named Sanders, Quakers, who served as adoptive or foster parents to her. She still was close to her mother and siblings; she is listed in the 1880 census as living at home with her mother, along with her older sister and, now, two younger sisters.  Later, she said that she had nine siblings and that only the youngest, born about 1871, had children. Education The Sanders guided Margaret towards a career in teaching.  She, like many women of the time, began teaching in local schools without any formal training; after one year, in 1880, she decided to pursue such formal training anyway at Fisk Preparatory School in Nashville, Tennessee.  By that time she was 19 years old, if the census record is correct; she may have understated her age believing that the school preferred younger students.  She worked half time and took the training half time, graduating with honors in 1889.  W.E.B. Du Bois was a classmate and became a lifelong friend. Tuskegee Her performance at Fisk was enough to win her a job offer at a Texas college, but she took a teaching position at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama instead.  By the next year, 1890, she had become the lady principal at the school, responsible for female students.  She succeeded Anna Thankful Ballantine, who had been involved in hiring her. A predecessor in that job was Olivia Davidson Washington, second wife of Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee’s famous founder, who died in May of 1889, and was still held in high respect at the school. Booker T. Washington Within the year, the widowed Booker T. Washington, who had met Margaret Murray at her Fisk senior dinner, began courting her.  She was reluctant to marry him when he asked her to do so.  She did not get along with one of his brothers with whom he was especially close, and that brother’s wife who had been caring for Booker T. Washington’s children after he was widowed.  Washington’s daughter, Portia, was outright hostile towards anyone taking her mother’s place. With marriage, she would become also the stepmother of his three still-young children.  Eventually, she decided to accept his proposal, and they were married on October 10, 1892. Mrs. Washington’s Role At Tuskegee, Margaret Murray Washington not only served as Lady Principal, with charge over the female students – most of whom would become teachers and faculty, she also founded the Women’s Industries Division and herself taught domestic arts. As Lady Principal, she was part of the school’s executive board. She also served as acting head of the school during her husband’s frequent travels, especially after his fame spread after a speech at the Atlanta Exposition in 1895.  His fundraising and other activities kept him away from the school as much as six months out of the year. Women’s Organizations She supported the Tuskegee agenda, summarized in the motto â€Å"Lifting as We Climb,† of responsibility to work to improve not only one’s self but the whole race.  This commitment she also lived out in her involvement in black women’s organizations, and in frequent speaking engagements.  Invited by Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin, she helped form the National Federation of Afro-American Women in 1895, which merged the next year under her presidency with the Colored Women’s League, to form the National Association of Colored Women (NACW). â€Å"Lifting as We Climb† became the motto of the NACW. There, editing and publishing the journal for the organization, as well as serving as secretary of the executive board, she represented the conservative wing of the organization, focused on a more evolutionary change of African Americans to prepare for equality.  She was opposed by Ida B. Wells-Barnett, who favored a more activist stance, challenging racism more directly and with visible protest.  This reflected a division between the more cautious approach of her husband, Booker T. Washington, and the more radical position of W.E.B. Du Bois.  Margaret Murray Washington was president of the NACW for four years, beginning in 1912, as the organization increasingly moved towards the more political orientation of Wells-Barnett. Other Activism One of her other activities was organizing regular Saturday mother’s meetings at Tuskegee. Women of the town would come for socializing and an address, often by Mrs. Washington. The children who came with the mothers had their own activities in another room, so their mothers could focus on their meeting.  The group grew by 1904 to about 300 women. She often accompanied her husband on speaking trips, as the children grew old enough to be left in the care of others. Her task was often to address the wives of the men who attended her husband’s talks. In 1899, she accompanied her husband on a European trip. In 1904, Margaret Murray Washington’s niece and nephew came to live with the Washingtons at Tuskegee.  The nephew, Thomas J. Murray, worked at the bank associated with Tuskegee. The niece, much younger, took the name of Washington. Widowhood Years and Death In 1915, Booker T. Washington fell ill and his wife accompanied him back to Tuskegee where he died. He was buried next to his second wife on the campus at Tuskegee.  Margaret Murray Washington remained at Tuskegee, supporting the school and also continuing outside activities.  She denounced African Americans of the South who moved North during the Great Migration.  She was president from 1919 until 1925 of the Alabama Association of Women’s Clubs. She became involved in work to address issues of racism for women and children globally, founding and heading the International Council of Women of the Darker Races in 1921.  The organization, which was to promote â€Å"a larger appreciation of their history and accomplishment† in order to have â€Å"a greater degree of race pride for their own achievements and touch a greater themselves,† did not survive very long after Murray’s death. Still active at Tuskegee up until her death on June 4, 1925, Margaret Murray Washington was long considered the â€Å"first lady of Tuskegee.†Ã‚  She was buried next to her husband, as was his second wife.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Economics of Gender Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Economics of Gender - Research Paper Example Recognition of gender equality therefore enriches economic growth in a nation. Gender equality is conveyed in approaches, opinions, actions and policies that mirror an equal valuing and endowment of opportunities for both genders. Absence of discrimination between both genders can also evidence equal eminence between the females and the males in a society. In gender equality, all individuals hold an equivalent level of power and indulge other people with respect and consideration irrespective of their sex (Dollar, David & Gatti, 1999). Equal opportunities and equal worth for both sexes is therefore a demonstration of gender equality. Gender equality can be seen where there is no inferior valuation of females to males at birth. In a society that there is gender equality, women are accorded both their legal and marital rights. The fertility rates and child mortality rates are also lowered. There is no one solitary measure for quantifying the status of women comparative to men at the universal level. Research indicates that two measures can generally be used and these are the gender-related development index and the gender empowerment measure (Mikkola, 2007). The gender-related development index cascades if the accomplishment levels of both women and men reduce or if the discrepancy between their achievements intensifies. On the other hand, the gender empowerment measure scrutinizes whether women and men are competent to energetically partake in the economic and political life of a society. It also studies whether women do take part in decision-making in a society. This measure is fashioned using information on women’s purchasing influence and decision-making supremacy in the economy and political power in Parliament. Despite the use of these two types of measures, the measurement of gender equality can sometimes be difficult. This is because some of the roles t hat

Friday, October 18, 2019

Finite Element Analysis of a Stainless Steel Research Paper

Finite Element Analysis of a Stainless Steel - Research Paper Example Therefore, this report describes the numerical analysis, conducted using the commercially available finite element solver, ANSYS, and then recommendations are provided as to whether testing or redesign should be the next step. The finite element method (FEM) is a numerical procedure used for finding approximate solutions of partial differential equations (PDE). A partial differential equation is a differential equation containing derivatives involving two or more independent variables. In engineering science, many phenomena are described by partial differential equations, such as displacement or temperature as a function of time and space. Problems involving PDEs are usually too complicated to be solved by classical analytical methods. Solving PDEs with the method of finite elements is possible today due to rapid solving capabilities of computers. Finite element analysis (FEA), originally used to solve stress analysis problems, is an approach which is used today in many branches of engineering including heat transfer and fluid flow. The material of the part is 2.5 mm stainless steel plate with a Young's modulus of elasticity of 206 GN/m2, a Poison's ratio of 0.3, and a yield strength of 580 MN/m2. It is assumed that the material has linear elastic properties and is both homogeneous and isotropic (although in reality this is not exactly true for cold-rolled sheets where grain orientation may vary). In addition, it was assumed that no discontinuities or residual stresses are originally present in the material due to manufacturing processes such as forging, rolling and welding. The thickness of the part is assumed constant and is believed to be small enough compared to its width such that shell elements can be used for adequate accuracy in modelling. Figure 1 shows the buckle modelled in ANSYS. The part is symmetric in two directions and has been separated in the model for simplification. Figure 2 shows the original drawing of the buckle and its symmetry. It is assumed that the geometry of the part is adequately represented by the finite element model developed. Displacements are expected to be relatively small such that a linear approximation will be valid. Figure 1 Figure 2 The solution of a finite element analysis is only so good as the quality of the mesh. The smaller the element size, the better the mesh should represent the geometry of the part. For this analysis, two mesh sizes were used: a smaller one where the highest stress concentrations were expected, and a larger one throughout the remainder of the model. The curved sections of the two slots were expected to receive the greatest stresses and were thus meshed with a value of 0.25, while the remained of the buckle was modelled with a 0.51 mesh size. The element type used was the PLANE82, which is a 2D structural solid element with eight nodes. Eight-noded elements are more accurate for modelling curved boundaries. The PLANE 82 shell element type also allowed for a thickness value in its input properties thus facilitating a 2D problem. In terms of boundary conditions, it was assumed t

Electrical & electronic principles ( lap report ) AC power Assignment

Electrical & electronic principles ( lap report ) AC power - Assignment Example Using the oscilloscope, the current and the voltage waveforms supplies were observed and determined alongside determining the lead or lag angle for the circuit. Various capacitor values were recorded with keen interest in observing their trend. The circuit was first connected with R1 s the coil resistance, with R2 as the low Ohm resistor already used. The component values were all recorded accordingly. Then using the oscilloscope, the current and the voltage supplies were observed, as well as used in determining the lag angle for the circuit. Finally, the data for various capacitors were recorded. Whenever the capacitor is by-passed by an emitter, and capacitance of the coupled capacitor is large in regards to the AC frequency signal, the capacitors would be approximated as a circuit that is short (Alamo, Swirhum & Swanson, 2005). Whenever the input signal or voltage is increased the output voltage and the signal would be further vary around the dc bias point that has been established (Roulston, 2007). This effect would continue up to when the limiting condition of the voltage is reached. For the current in the circuit, the limiting condition would be VCC/RC, at the end, considered to be high, and a zero at the end considered to be low of the swing. The voltage of the emitter collector and the supply limit reaches a limit when they have a zero and VCC. Additionally, the voltage output and the varying current around the point of bias give out ac power towards the load (Zeubman, 2008). The delivered ac power is made to go through the load referred to as RC. AC signal, on the ot her hand, makes the current in the base to be varied around the bias dc current and the current collector around its level of quiescent. The input signal leads to ac signal voltage and the ac current. Increasing the input signal would increase the output swing until when the maximum

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Mini-Project Assignment 2 Customer Relationship Management and Essay

Mini-Project Assignment 2 Customer Relationship Management and E-Commerce Strategies - Essay Example The e-commerce components, meanwhile, are seen as effective in extending the relationship experience from the physical stores to the web, complete with orders and payments processing. These latter components too, can be seen from the overarching perspective of the websites executing on good strategies for managing customer relationships (Google, 2013; Google; 2013b; Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, 2004; Starbucks Corporation, 2013). II. Introduction The discussion here centers on comparing and contrasting the major activities focusing on the customers of both Starbucks and Green Mountain Coffee Roasters within their respective websites. This is done in light of how those customer-focused online activities are backed by information technology, and in light of being able to identify the e-commerce applications as well as the CRM strategies that work well for both sites (Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, 2004; Starbucks Corporation, 2013). III. ... That countries foot print for Starbucks is complemented by a large number of stores, totaling more than 18,000, with about half owned by the company and half being franchises. Looking at the financials, both have managed to do well over the recent years, but over a longer-term horizon of five years, one can see that Green Mountain Coffee Roasters’ share prices have been on a rollercoaster ride, while Starbucks’ share price has steadily improved over that period. Starbucks also has a market capitalization that is six times that of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (Google, 2013; Google; 2013b; Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, 2004; Starbucks Corporation, 2013). IV. Comparison and Contrast Looking at the two sites at their Home Pages, one can see that there is a decidedly product focus for the two websites, with some highlighted products being front and center in large images in the two sites. The exception is that in the case of Starbucks, there are links to engage the custo mer or visitor to the site on Facebook, Twitter, and what Starbucks calls My Starbucks Idea, which is a kind of forum where customers can share their ideas for products and experiences, and talk to other customers. Here we see a major set of customer interaction activities that, in comparison to Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, is more robust and also front and center together with the products. Green Mountain Coffee in contrast has a more prominent focus on products on their Home Page, with no links for social media and forums present except for a provision for signing up to an email list. The social media interactions and the forum interactions provided by Starbucks can be considered

Why should we stop worrying and learn to love WK3 assignment Essay - 1

Why should we stop worrying and learn to love WK3 assignment - Essay Example How could our police force be so lax as to not have been able to identify such problem people in the crowd of faces in the mall or in schools? The answer is simple. Nobody was watching. Our perimeters were not secure because constant monitoring and surveillance of people still cannot be accomplished without a court order. Although surveillance cameras are already planted in strategic areas of cities, its scope and use is still limited by law and therefore, hinders its ability to protect the population the way that it potentially could. Keeping these events of innocent bloodshed in mind, I cannot help but agree with James Stacey Taylor and his explanation of the need to embrace Big Brother in our daily lives as he describes it in his essay â€Å"In Praise of Big Brother: Why We Should Learn to Stop Worrying and Love (Some) Government Surveillance†. With the proper safeguards in place, the Orwellian nightmare that most people predict shall not happen because just like everything else pertaining to a persons right to privacy, the government may have access to certain information about you, but they do not have the legal grounds to blackmail or use the information they gathered against a person if it does not relate to a judicial proceeding. Our Fourth Amendment Rights and Wrongful Seizure Rights as protected by the Supreme Court rulings have made sure of that. As our population continues to become more and more comfortable with the way social media such as Twitter and Facebook has made our every move available to people in a wide-scale basis. I believe that the fear pertaining to the misuse of surveillance information will also fade into the background over time. That is because the events that happen in our daily lives, that show the efficiency and need for the constant surveillance is of the utmost importance in protecting the population will eventually push the people to clamor for more government

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Mini-Project Assignment 2 Customer Relationship Management and Essay

Mini-Project Assignment 2 Customer Relationship Management and E-Commerce Strategies - Essay Example The e-commerce components, meanwhile, are seen as effective in extending the relationship experience from the physical stores to the web, complete with orders and payments processing. These latter components too, can be seen from the overarching perspective of the websites executing on good strategies for managing customer relationships (Google, 2013; Google; 2013b; Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, 2004; Starbucks Corporation, 2013). II. Introduction The discussion here centers on comparing and contrasting the major activities focusing on the customers of both Starbucks and Green Mountain Coffee Roasters within their respective websites. This is done in light of how those customer-focused online activities are backed by information technology, and in light of being able to identify the e-commerce applications as well as the CRM strategies that work well for both sites (Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, 2004; Starbucks Corporation, 2013). III. ... That countries foot print for Starbucks is complemented by a large number of stores, totaling more than 18,000, with about half owned by the company and half being franchises. Looking at the financials, both have managed to do well over the recent years, but over a longer-term horizon of five years, one can see that Green Mountain Coffee Roasters’ share prices have been on a rollercoaster ride, while Starbucks’ share price has steadily improved over that period. Starbucks also has a market capitalization that is six times that of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (Google, 2013; Google; 2013b; Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, 2004; Starbucks Corporation, 2013). IV. Comparison and Contrast Looking at the two sites at their Home Pages, one can see that there is a decidedly product focus for the two websites, with some highlighted products being front and center in large images in the two sites. The exception is that in the case of Starbucks, there are links to engage the custo mer or visitor to the site on Facebook, Twitter, and what Starbucks calls My Starbucks Idea, which is a kind of forum where customers can share their ideas for products and experiences, and talk to other customers. Here we see a major set of customer interaction activities that, in comparison to Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, is more robust and also front and center together with the products. Green Mountain Coffee in contrast has a more prominent focus on products on their Home Page, with no links for social media and forums present except for a provision for signing up to an email list. The social media interactions and the forum interactions provided by Starbucks can be considered

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Discuss how RAID can be implimented Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discuss how RAID can be implimented - Essay Example back is its high cost due to use of a separate processor and software which gives the RAID system greater strength to handle recovery and disk rebuilding. Another approach to implementing hardware RAID is IOC. The advantage of controller-based RAID is that it is cheaper because it simply uses processors on the disk controllers. However, controller based RAID is restricted by the power of the processor and the memory bandwidth of the controller, which makes it slower than IOP RAID. On the other hand, software RAID can be implemented using a disk controller driver or an operating system. Software RAID is cheaper than hardware RAID but is not as reliable. Software RAID may be useful in small applications where quality performance is not really expected. It is used in the drivers of the hard disk controllers and is independent of the operating system. Operating System based RAID uses a RAID engine in the operating system. Both disk controller driver and operating system driver RAID are dependent on system processor which can be specifically used in low performance and lightly loaded

Central venous catheter Essay Example for Free

Central venous catheter Essay Healthcare institutes today are facing a major problem with centrally-line- associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs). CLABSIs occur commonly and are the most potentially preventable source if morbidity. This research was conducted to see how central line bundles could be use to eliminate CLABSIs. According to the Sutter Roseville medical center (SRMC), they have seven years of zero CLABSIs, by using a broader approach of the central line buddle rather then the conventional buddle required by the CDC (Harnage, 2012). The SRMC’s, central line buddle is ease to use and failure proof as shown in figure 1 of the article (Harnage). This article explained how various component of the central line buddle were modified to achieve zero infection of CLABSIs by the SRMC. The most important point of this approach was elimination of infection through central lines. The success of this approach was base on the protocol implemented on dressing change, catheter flushing and daily checking of all central lines. Dressing changes were done only when the site was messes but with the protocol is done every 7 days and as needed, also the catheter lines were been flushed with normal saline then with heparin using a positive pressure flush, but now flushing is done every 8 hours when not in use or before and after medication administration with 10ml of normal saline using a push and pause technique. Remember these lines can not be use if there is no blood return and the potency checked. For this protocol to be effective, education and training was mandated for the register nurses, that is a one -on -one bedside training. The register nurses are the once using this line on a daily bases so training them on the use of this line were a major past in the infection control process. An aspect in the dressing change kit in was also nurse friendly in that all the supplies needed for the dressing change were place in a single package. By putting everything together it helped the nurse to easily access everything they need, because due to the many tasks the nurse needs to do, they may be tempted to bypass or skip entirely preventive practices that are too time consuming. The nurses also had to document on a daily base on the patient flow sheet how the site and dressing on the line look, thus making the nurses take responsibility and accountabit of the site. The main problem with this approach was that it wasn’t cost effective. But according on research, CLABSIs cost from $21300 and $35000 to treat, thus avoiding infections can save most healthcare institute hundreds of thousands of pounds annually (Harnage). I will like everyone who reads this article to implement it because is a patient first culture approach and we as healthcare provide are there to provide care to patient and do no harm. With that say, my clinical group for NURS 210 at Grace Fairview have since this practice and protocol and have also participated in it implementation. So from experience I will follow the approach and encourage my register nurses colleague to do same because the benefits out weight the disadvantages. REFERENCE . Harnage, S. (2012) Seven years of zero central – line – associate bloodstream infections. British Journal of Nursing, 2012 (IVTHERAPY SUPPLEMENT),Vol 21, No 21

Monday, October 14, 2019

Writing a Movie Review

Writing a Movie Review Writing a movie review is a great way of expressing your opinion of a movie. The purpose of most movie reviews is to help readers in determining whether they want to watch, rent, or buy the movie. The review should give enough details about the movie that the reader could make an informed decision, without giving anyway any essentials such as the plot or any surprises. Similar to the purpose of writing book reviews, movie reviews analyze the effectiveness of the plot, theme, acting, direction, special effects, musical effects, cinematography, and all other elements that created the movie. There are qualities and guidelines that a critique of a movie should possess. Avoid the use of generalized opinions such as oh, it was a great movie or the acting was horrible, but rather give specific reasons and the whys. Here is a good guide to follow. While we dont limit you to a certain style of writing, the number of words you must have in your review, and what you must (or must not) write about, we do provide the following guideline to help you get started in writing a review. Paragraph 1 You will need to include the following: name of the film, prominent stars of the film, basic setting (time and place), and type of film (comedy, adventure, drama, etc.) Paragraph 2 You will need to write a plot summary for the movie. Do not reveal the ending. Discuss at least five events and be sure to cover the entire scope of the movie, except the very end. Paragraph 3 Discuss one aspect of filmmaking. You may choose from acting, direction, editing, and costume design, set design, photography, background music, or anything else you may think of. Be sure that you are specific and cite examples from the movie. Paragraph 4 Discuss another aspect of filmmaking. You may choose from acting, direction, editing, and costume design, set design, photography, background music, or anything else you may think of, but obviously choose something different from what you discussed in the previous paragraph. Be sure that you are specific and cite examples from the movie. Paragraph 5 Give your overall reaction to the film as well as your opinion on the quality of the film. Also, include your recommendations for potential viewers. Remember, the guideline above is just what it is. It is just a guideline, so throw in your own spin and develop your own format if you want to. Steps to Writing a Movie Review: 1. Watch the movie The first step in writing the review is to watch the movie. Watch the movie in a relaxed environment you are familiar with. You do not want to be distracted by an unfamiliar room. Most movie reviewers take notes as they watch the movie. 2. Evaluate the movie Most movie reviewers will give their opinion of the movie. This is important as the reviewer can express the elements of the movie they enjoyed or disliked. However, as in all good journalism, the reviewer should also give impartial details and allow the reader to make their decision over an issue the reader liked or disliked. Opinions should be explained to allow the reader to determine whether they would agree with your opinion. 3. Who is your audience? You need to consider who your audience will be. Writing a movie review for children requires a different approach than if writing for a movie club. Ensure you report on the factors that matter to your likely audience. 4. Give an outline Give the outline of the movie, but do not give away essential details such as the end or any surprises. If there is a big surprise, you want to entice readers by telling them something special happens; just do not say what. 5. Actors If the movie contains actors, as most do, detail who is starring in the movie and how well you think they acted. 6. Structure Did the movie follow a regular predictable story line, or did it get you thinking, like a Quentin Tarantino movie? 7. Cinematography and lighting Give details about how well the movie was shot and directed. Was the lighting good in the moody scenes? 8. Music Did the movie have its own score like The Lord of the Rings or ET, or did it feature songs from popular artists? Did the music align with the time period? 9. Read, read, and read Read and check your review thoroughly. It can be embarrassing to find errors in your work after it has been published. This is especially important for reviews that will be published on the Internet, as search engines are always looking for the correct spellings of key words.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Miscommunication :: essays research papers

â€Å"Miscommunication† Problems in every society usually derive from one specific thing. Miscommunication. How many times have you gotten in an argument or a disagreement with someone over what someone said, and then you later found out that that person meant something completely different from what was running through your head? How many times have you gotten off the phone with someone—someone important, --and wondered, what in the world were he or she talking about? I often get this feeling after class. Now, have you ever looked—I mean really looked at the English language? It is a very confusing language and it’s no wonder so many other people have so much trouble understanding it. Have you ever talked to someone from a foreign country and you’ve had to rephrase the entire thing you were trying to say because they didn’t understand? That’s exactly what I’m talking about. Let’s start with something simple. Oxymorons. Let’s say you’re getting ready for a job interview and as you’re leaving the house, someone yells out behind you, â€Å"Just Act Natural, you’ll be fine.† You get in the car and the only thing you get on your mind is â€Å"acing natural.† A person can’t act and be natural at the same time and the entire time you’re driving to the job interview, you’re thinking, what can I do to act more natural. That, my friend, is an oxymoron and can easily be mis-interrupted. You’ve heard of them before. They can easily be defined as a couple of words contradicting one another but used as a fixed expression. A couple of examples, found missing, same difference, good grief, and airline food. Expressions such as these can cause miscommunications, misunderstandings, and basically just a lot of confusion. Have you ever been watching the news or Sportscenter ® and they show a clip with the small title of â€Å"taped live† down in the corner? How can something already have been taped and yet they’re showing it over live television? Our government seems to enjoy these phrases quite a bit. In our government, they have many divisions called government organizations. Tell me if I’m wrong but I believe the government is an organization itself. How can they call them government organizations if the government IS an organization? That’s like saying organization organization. We also have a division we call the Peace Force. How can a person force peace without destroying the entire definition of the word?

Friday, October 11, 2019

Potiki And The Art Of Telling Stories :: essays research papers

This is an explorative essay on the theme in Patricia Grace’s novel Potiki that ‘telling and retelling stories is an important and valuable part of being human’. An important theme in Potiki is the enduring idea that creating and sharing stories as a central part of being human is important. It is a significant theme because the novel is heavily imbued with Maori culture, in which the stories and spoken teachings are given prominence, and also because it is a popular belief that people need narratives to give meaning, structure and value to their lives. This theme is displayed resolutely and poignantly in Potiki’s plot, characters, setting and symbolism, as the people of a small rural New Zealand community rediscover themselves through stories spoken and found in Maori carvings. The idea that humans need narratives is the core theme in Potiki, and it is used also to link other themes and aspects of the novel; it is in this way that we know the idea of storytelling is an intrinsic part of the novel’s structure. The idea that ‘creating and sharing stories is important as a central part of being human’ is shown in Potiki’s plot and characters when the mother of the main family in the book, Roimata, decides to let two of her children learn at home instead of at school. Instead of teaching them herself in the style of a traditional European education system, both Roimata and the children learn naturally from stories and histories which are shown as being part of everyone's life. For example, Roimata says, â€Å"It was a new discovery to find that these stories were, after all, about our own lives, were not distant, that there was no past or future that all time is now-time, centred in the being.† (Pp39.) In this way Roimata and the children are essentially learning in a way in which all people learn to some extent: by sharing stories. The idea that the telling and retelling of stories sustains, enlarges and defines our view of the world is shown in Potiki when Roimata continues, â€Å"They were not new stories to us, except that stories are always new, or else there is always something new in stories.† (Pp132.) The character is emphasising the moral and educational value of stories in human development and understanding by saying that there is always something to learn from stories, even when they are retold repeatedly.

Nike sweatshop Essay

1) Should Nike be held responsible for working condition in factories that it does not own, but where sub-contractors make products for Nike? Nike doesn’t own any manufacturing facilities and outsource its production. Therefore, it can’t be directly blamed for terrible working conditions. Nike can influence indirectly on working conditions at contracting factories thorough refusing to work with sweatshop factories. However, Nike, like any other capitalistic enterprise, is looking for economy of scales and making more money for its shareholders, so each dollar counts. In this case, Nike business ethics is being questioned. From another point of view, workers and employers have a voluntarily contract engagement and working conditions are on the same level as at other local enterprises. However, if Nike claims to be a social responsible corporate citizen, it has to maintain business practices accordingly. They have to influence their partners to provide better working conditions and avoid long hours for child labor. Otherwise, they should be like everybody else and benefit from prevailing business practices in the third world countries. 2) What labor standards regarding safety, working conditions, overtime, and the like, should Nike hold foreign factories to: those prevailing in that country, or those prevailing in the United States. Nike has to follow traditional labor standards prevailing in the supplying countries due to the absence of ownership for production facilities. It will be almost impossible to impose American labor standards regarding safety, working conditions and overtime into a foreign country, because they all have their own authorities that regulate these issues. Cheap labor is their only competitive advantage to attract foreign direct investments. Changing labor standards in compliance with the US regulations will lead to factory overhead expenses increase and lose of economies of scale. Therefore, Nike should follow the current regulations and try to improve the standards and working conditions at their supplying factories to a certain acceptable extent. 3. An income of $2.28 a day, the base pay of Nike factory workers in Indonesia, is double the daily income of about half the working population. Half of all adults in Indonesia are farmers, who receive less than $1 a day. Given this, is it correct to criticize Nike for low pay rates for its subcontractors in Indonesia? Nike shouldn’t be solely responsible for the low pay rates for its subcontractors in Indonesia. It reflects the current labor market situation and the way local economy operates. However, Nike should do their best to influence the improvement of working conditions and pay rate increase at its subcontractors. Not only Nike exploits that the benefits of low pay rates in Indonesia, but, other foreign companies as well. It should be a common strategy to influence the improvements. These changes can’t happen at once, it should be a long-term strategy for the benefit of local workers. For instances, the average hourly pay rate is $1.3 in Moldova. This number is significantly low than in the Western Europe. Many Western businesses are exploiting this advantage. China is another good example where average monthly salary has risen from $250 in 2005 to $600 in 2012. It was the government of China policy to increase salaries. Therefore, local governments should influence the pay rate increase, and MNE will follow the rules of the game. 4. Could Nike have handled the negative publicity over sweatshops better? What might have been done differently, not just from the public relations perspective, but also from a policy perspective? Nike could have done a better job addressing not only the age issue and inferior working conditions, but the pay rate increase as well. Nike preferred to take care of certain critics selectively, leaving behind the main concern- pay rate. Charging premiums for their products, Nike can afford be more accurate in selecting subcontractors and promoting better working conditions on sites. Nike hired onetime US Ambassador to the UN, US Congressman, and former Atlanta Mayor, Andrew Young, to assess working conditions in subcontractor’s plants around the world. He made a mildly critical report spending two weeks and visiting 15 factories only. It is obvious that the report was subjective and led to even more critics from human rights and labor groups. Nike should have been more objective showing more opportunities for improvement and making more positive publicity from eliminating trouble issues. 5. Do you think Nike needs to make any changes to its current policy? Is so, what? Should Nike make changes even if they hinder the ability of the company to compete in the market place? Nike has to make changes to its current policies and support the Workers Rights Consortium. The times has changed and the business ethics is more important nowadays than it used to be several years ago. More attention is paid to top managers’ compliance with the ethics code after major bankruptcies involving unethical behavior, for instances, Enron. Nike policies have to be updated to the modern conditions and business environmental requirements. Nike should care not only about its shareholders, but, about all stakeholders, including suppliers and consumers. These new trends should be stated in their policy clearly. 6. Is the WRC right to argue that the FLA is a tool of industry? The Fair Labor Association grew out of the Presidential task force on sweatshops and included the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, the National Council of Churches, the International Labor Rights Fund, some 135 universities and companies such as Nike, Reebok, and Levi Strauss. It means that this Association was supported and funded by the companies whose operations they should examine. There is an obvious conflict of interests. It is more likely a tool for industry to protect itself and create publicity loyal to industry members. The Workers Rights Consortium is more independent, backed, and partly funded, by labor unions and refuses to cooperate with companies, in order not to â€Å"jeopardize its independence†. Therefore, they are capable of carrying out truly independent unprejudiced sweatshop audits. 7. If sweatshops are a global problem, what might be a global solution to this problem? There is no a global solution to the problem of sweatshops while inequality and differences in stages of economical development exist. MNE are looking for better productions conditions and cheap skilled labor. There always are â€Å"third world† countries offering lower pay rates to attract foreign direct investments than their neighbors. It is a complex problem that requires a holistic approach. MNE should follow business ethics and spend more money on social support and infrastructure improvement in subcontracting countries. United efforts of businesses, governments and the United Nations can only make a difference. Sweatshops are the only way of income in many countries. People have no choice, but, to work at sweatshops or die from starvation. Poverty reduction and life conditions improvement are the modern global challenges for the developed countries. It is unfair to make extra billions in profits at the expense of the poor and undeveloped countries in the 21st century. // o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t=†Ã¢â‚¬ ,o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return ""},p=function(){var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0;e

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Reading Summary of Privacy

Monica. Liu March 1, 2013 Reading Summary: â€Å"Privacy† by Deborah G. Johnson This article is written by Deborah G. Johnson, on page 204-214, the author mainly talks about the following points: First, in the first part, the author thinks that once people begin to have interest in using the information of individual, privacy will exist. It points out that those who want information about individuals want it because they believe that it will help them to make better decisions and serve their customers better.Such views heavily distort in gathering and exchange of information, so people should make a more powerful case for protecting and ensuring privacy in the lives of individuals so that people will not feel uncomfortable about the amount of information that is gathered about them. Secondly, the author states privacy as an individual good in Personal Privacy part, which distinct privacy as an instrumental good and privacy as an intrinsic good. In Reframing the Computers and P rivacy Issue-Privacy as a Social Good part, it states privacy as a social good.In this part, it mentions two terms of autonomy and democracy. Once people lose the control of information about themselves, their autonomy will be reduced. And democracy is a kind of idea that citizens have the freedom to exercise autonomy. When privacy is as a social good, it is more important than efficiency and better consumer services. Thirdly, this article presents the importance of individual controlling and relationship establishing.The author considers individual controlling will effect on establishing a relationship with that individual and determining the character of the relationship, at the same time, it will influence the diversity of relationship. Once people lose control of information, it will reduce their ability to establish and influence the relationships they have and the character of those relationships. Finally, it points out several possible counterarguments: privacy only protects people who have something to hide; individuals in our society do have some power to control their relationships with private and public organizations.This article examines the issue from the perspective of business ethics on privacy in an effort to understand the unique privacy context of computer-based survey research. I agree with the author that reframing privacy as a social good is very important. As an important social good, privacy would be on part with other social goods such as law enforcement or government efficiency. Instead of a social good outweighing an individual good, it would be clear that we have two social goods at stake.In reframing the issue in this way, privacy would be more likely to be treated as equally important, if not more important, than other social goods. In such way, people can live in a democratic society with autonomy. Meanwhile, we should have a standard to control our privacy to others, because privacy is the fundamental pre-condition to establish relationship with others. If you keep your privacy seriously, you will be isolated by the society. On the contrary, if you lose the control of your private information, you won’t set up relationships with others either.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

On the book LADY CHATTERLEYS LOVER Research Paper

On the book LADY CHATTERLEYS LOVER - Research Paper Example At first, the term fidelity does not appear to be consistent with the main plot in Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover. The title itself implies infidelity. The main plot centers around an adulterous wife, Connie Chatterley whose husband is rendered impotent as a result of an injury sustained in the war. Lady Chatterley, an aristocrat then takes up an affair with Mellors, the gamekeeper (Lawrence 2009). The question of fidelity arises in a way that challenges normative values existing at the time. While Lady Chatterley is unfaithful to her husband and breaks ranks with her own class, she is faithful to her lover (Niven 1979, 184). Although Mellors is complicit in Lady Chatterley’s adultery and is married himself, he himself is entirely faithful to Lady Chatterley. According to Gabriel and Smithson (1990), â€Å"Mellors seeks the approval of one woman only† (69). The lovers’ fidelity to each other however, calls for infidelity to their respective spou ses. However, from Lawrence’s perspective, he was not concerned with what might be characterized as â€Å"photographic fidelity†(Wuchina 2009, 172). In other words, Lawrence was more concerned with feelings that commanded fidelity rather than a sense of detached duty. This message is communicated through Mellors who, reflecting on his intimate encounters with Lady Chatterley, observed that: The connection between them was growing closer. He could see the day when it would clinch up, and they would have to make a life together (Lawrence 2009, 142). Wuchina (2009) points out that Mellors has â€Å"no second thoughts, or guilt† (174). This is because, â€Å"in its essentials, the relationship, the mutual attraction, is essentially legitimate† (Wuchina 2009, 174). The legitimacy is founded on the fact that Lady Chatterley was in a loveless marriage and was making a particularly difficult sacrifice. In fact, Mellors observes of Lady Chatterley: She was nicer t han she knew, and oh, so much too nice for the tough lot she was in contact with!..But he would protect her with his heart for a little while. For a little while, before the insentient iron world and the Mammon of mechanized greed did them both in, her as well as him (Lawrence 2009, 136). Mellors was obviously referring to the fact that Lady Chatterley was quite young. She was only 23 years old and was trapped in an unusual situation, one that she was too young and perhaps too naive to cope with. Lady Chatterley was for the most part confined to the companionship of her wounded husband and his circle of friends with whom she was essentially bored. As Daum (2008) observes, this is a situation that the young Lady Chatterley had to endure each day and it could not have been easy to cope with (3). Yet in this youthful innocence, the moral code of the times commanded fidelity from Lady Chatterley. Lawrence (2009) immediately draws attention to the fallacy of the moral code of the times. The novel opens with the caution â€Å"ours is essentially a tragic age† (5). Lady Chatterley was trapped in a time where, the First World War and its consequences were still fresh. She was therefore tethered to a marriage in which she could not find happiness and had yet to learn the meaning of life. As the plot moves along, a poignant issue necessarily arises. Is it fair to expect the young Lady Chatterley in the circumstances in which she finds herself to be faithful to her marriage

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Role of Political Philosophy by Rawls and Mill Research Paper - 4

The Role of Political Philosophy by Rawls and Mill - Research Paper Example It is apparent that Mill believes that social and economic equalities and can be deemed justified if they can help the underprivileged in the society thus leaving the open the question of what and how inequalities can be justified (Reynolds 7-12). In fact, there were no political actualities that could realize the sameness of the arguments provided by both Mill and Rawls and the notion of a guaranteed social minimum serves as part of real-life democratic politics. Mill believes that society but the Difference Principle that was portrayed by the common moral sense should guarantee social minimum but the society rejected it. On the other hand, the idea of the social minimum is an indication of a publicly accepted principle of democratic politics and Rawls thinks that there are interventions including the fact that disallows are widely treated with suspicion. However, Mill’s principles of justice as explained by Rawls may be justified on utilitarian grounds and they have consider able acceptability in the current democracies. Public acceptance is vital for Rawls due to the weight it puts on overlapping consensus and he considers his principles of justice can be validated from various reasonable ethical positions that entail utilitarianism (Reynolds 13-18). Rawls is convinced that utilitarianism is an important and reasonable ethical position that even though he does not support he feels that utilitarianism may be an overlapping accord on Mill’s arguments although it does not show that Mill’s perception could be part of an overlapping consensus (Reynolds 16-22).

Monday, October 7, 2019

Conflict of Religion and Slavery in the Frederick Douglass Narrative Essay

Conflict of Religion and Slavery in the Frederick Douglass Narrative - Essay Example Religion is not the domain of the dermatologist. The arguments of the whites to view religion from the perspective of color needs to be dismissed without further arguments, as only lunatics can forward such a point of view. Those who justify slavery quoting scriptures are like Satan quoting the Bible. They just do not possess an elementary knowledge about the revelation. Douglass encounters with the so-called Christians, who treat slaves in the most inhuman style, shake his belief in religion. Mr. Severe, overseer in charge at Colonel Lloyd’s plantation, is one of such individuals. As the divinity intervenes he dies as soon as Douglass arrives there. The gullible and innocent slaves take it as a blessing from God. The replacement for his place, Mr. Hopkins, is a good person. The love-hate tussles as for religion in his mind continue, and he thinks that it is a good fortune that he is not one of the slavery victims when he is selected and shifted to the Great House Farm, where life is comfortable. The cruel strokes of destiny fallen on his grandmother who is left to die alone shake his faith in God, and he puts his judgment to test by asking questions about His style of functioning. What deeply pains Douglass is the hypocrites donning the garb of preachers as guardians of religion. Some of them are Master Thomas, the Methodist who holds the sla ves on the plea that he takes care of them, but in reality he does not spare even a crippled girl named Henny from his practices of cruelty. At St. Michael’s, a Sabbath school for slaves established by Whiteman is closed under the violent threats by white religious zealots. Religion, as it is practiced, never helps the cause of blacks, and Douglass mentions Mr. Rigby Hopkins, one of the sterling religious hypocrites, who derives sadistic pleasure in beating his slave on silly pretexts. Such religious leaders quote from the Bible selectively, and their assertions are out of the context. Douglass writes, â€Å"I have said my master found religious sanction for his cruelty. I have seen him tie up a lame young woman, and whip her with a heavy cow skin upon her naked shoulders, causing the warm red blood to drip; and, in justification of the bloody deed, he would quote this passage of Scripture ? ‘He that knoweth his master’s will and doeth it, not shall be beaten wi th many stripes.’ † (Douglass 52). This is the highest form of insult to Christianity. Thus, in the mid-1800s, religion is used as the tool to destroy the emotional world of the slaves and break their psyche. Severe whipping is normal which often causes bodily harm to the slaves. Their working hours are long, from the sun-rise to the sun-set in the open farms, in all kinds of weather. With no educational facilities and no scope for personal empowerment possible for the slaves, the doors to the knowledge world remain shut for them from the cradle to the grave and from the womb to the tomb! In Douglass’ time, slavery is being practiced at its worst. The majority of the religious clusters in America barring the Society of Friends support slavery. That is the period when the North and South are vertically divided by the issue of slavery. The Christians of the North favor the abolition of slavery, but the Southerners are adamant about retaining it and thoroughly convi nced that it has the religious sanctity. The worst part is the condemnation and appreciation of slavery is done in the name of Christianity. So, the politics of religion dominates the issue of slavery. Douglass does not condemn Christianity as such, but his strong resentment is

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Black Park in the UK and its macrofossils Essay

Black Park in the UK and its macrofossils - Essay Example The diversity index was used to assess invertebrate community according (Magurran (1991). Classification of functional feeding groups was done (Merritt and Cummins, 1996).   The chemical composition of the soil, the leaf detritus, and the functional feeding groups to test microorganisms, was done with covariance analysis (ANCOVA) and multi dependent analysis of variance (MANOVA) (yeast, bacteria and fungi) and invertebrate (density-dependent variable).  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Samples were taken from dry soil areas, the floodplains and the lake area. The results in the soil samples and pollens collected along with leaf detritus were sieved and compared in terms of density, spread and age.  SamplesFrom dry soil areas, the floodplains and the lake area, the results are seen in the soil samples and pollens collected along with leaf detritus and sieved and sampled and compared to each other in terms of density and spread and the age.ResultsThe dry Soil Area displayed H olocene vegetation change as seen from the plant macrofossils and pollen from packrat middens ranging from 0 to 50,000 years.   ($FILE/eng-ee-beds-wet-woodlands.pdf). Semi-arid landscapes appeared covered with sage, chaparral, and grassland. . Ttreeless tundra was replaced by birch pine and beech.  Ã‚   Beech sprouts on limestone areas at the head of the Thames estuary can be seen and signs of Alder can also be seen.   Herbivores that are now extinct or reduced in numbers can also be spotted.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Project Management- Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Project Management- - Essay Example From the turn of the millennium to 2002, the industry grew over 200% and generated revenues about $289 million in 2002 alone. In 2004, the revenue generated by this industry totaled up to around $947 million. Furthermore, optimism continued to run high as a research group predicated that the growth of ICT-based services would grow to $200 billion by the end of the decade, with call centres enjoying a fair share of $42 billion of the revenue (White, 2014). Reports claim that the United States alone claims over 1.5 million seats and another 1 million waiting to be outsourced and the United Kingdom only has around 500,000 seats only waiting to be outsourced. Keeping in line with this, this paper will discuss the process of creating a new control and call centre that will house the police, ambulance and fire rescue emergency services, which will receive and deal with all 999 emergency and non-emergency calls that will be used by both England and Wales citizens. In detail, it will (1) ide ntify key explanatory aspects/issues/arguments relating to this project; (2) assess the benefits/strengths and problems/weaknesses/shortcomings/pitfalls, applicable, in terms of implementing the pilot; (3) assess the extent to which formal programme and project management would provide cost and/or efficiency savings; and (4) provide a set of good practice/guidance recommendations that can be evidenced and/or supported from the finding of your review. A call centre refers to a centrally-based customer service operation where its agents deal with telephone calls on behalf of a customer/caller (D’Cruz & Noronha, 2006). Customers vary from emergency callers, non-emergency callers, mail-order catalog houses, computer product help desks, telemarketing companies, banks, insurance groups and financial services, transportation and freight handling firms, IT companies and hotels, among others. The

Friday, October 4, 2019

Role of Teacher on Society Essay Example for Free

Role of Teacher on Society Essay Who are we? What are we? A lot of what we are was implanted in us as young children by teachers who cared enough to teach it to us. Throughout my life I was taught many of the values I have today by my educators. I was instilled with the skills of how to get along with my peers, knowing right from wrong, and realizing that the best way to get what I wanted was to respect others first. The teachers I’ve had along the way have inspired me to become a better person. They have made me recognize how I wish to be like them. I too want to help children realize their full potential. I want to be a person in their lives that they can look back on and say she helped me hope and strive for the best that I could be. In today’s society there are so many distractions in students’ lives. They have to deal with family traumas, drugs, extra-curricular activities, making their place in the world, peer pressure, jobs, etc.. When all these things are on someone’s mind it’s often hard to concentrate on school work and rules. I want the students to come to my class with the attitude that it is a place of refuge. I want them to forget about their fulfilled lives and see that learning can be fun and interesting. I want to make them realize that school isn’t just a boring place where the cafeteria food is bad. I want them to be interested by finding something they enjoy doing and maybe they’ll be able to find their places in this world a little better. It is so hard to make students understand how crucial education is. Especially in today’s society. I want to try and raise their self-esteem so they can become the people they want to be. I want to be involved in their lives so maybe if they are having problems at home they can feel like they can come to me for comfort or help. There are a few teachers who I could have gone to for assistance. I now appreciate them more than ever because they made me see hope in people. I want to be like them if not better. In order to be the teacher I would like to be I first want to challenge my students to be the best they can be. I agree with a Nation at Risk when it calls for greater academic rigor, and higher expectations for students. I want to enforce these values in my classroom as well. I’ve always been a fan of learning in groups. I found that a little assistance from fellow classmates always aided me further in my learning progress. That’s why cooperative learning will definitely be applied in my classroom. Since cooperative learning helps to amplify students interactions and processing skills it will assist children to strive for the higher expectations that society will put on them as they get older. Cooperative learning can improve on students grades, self-esteem, personal relationships, and understanding of others. Which I feel is a very good incentive to try and promote in my own curriculum. The groups should be small and circular to promote easy conversation. Within the group the assignment should be shared and the work load should be evened out between how many students there are. If the labor is shared then all students will feel like they have contributed in some way and might take it more seriously if a whole group is depending on them instead of just one person. If a student understands that he or she has a responsibility to do something within their group they will more than likely do it, because if they don’t then the individuals in the group might be upset with them and it would serve as an incentive for them to do well. Students often receive approval or rewards for a job well done in their overall performance. When I obtained praise for my accomplishments I usually always tried to repeat what I did well. I’m a firm believer in awarding children and reinforcing them when they behave and do a good job. In my classroom, I will try to make students feel like they are doing things right, and maybe they will try and achieve at everything they do. I like the idea of project-based instruction as well as cooperative learning. Trying to have children learn with real life situations is a very good concept. Asking the students higher level questions and having them involved in their own projects gives the students a taste of what â€Å"real life† has to offer. It also excites and motivates students to want to learn. If I combine cooperative learning and project-based instruction in my classroom I feel that it will be an effective way of approaching learning and getting the curriculum across to the students in a fun way. I’m aware of the different fundamental principles of teaching. Which include: essentialism, perennialism, progressivism, existentialism, reconstructionism, and behaviorism. Each have their own unique techniques of teaching, but I prefer progressivism. I’m ecstatic that there was a progressivist movement that stimulated schools to broaden their curricula, making education more relevant to the needs and interests of students. I feel that it was brilliant on John Dewey’s behalf when he states, â€Å"as we alter our relationship with our environment, we ourselves are made different by the experience. † I believe that we are changed everyday by encounters we have. Everything we do alters our lives in some way and that makes us who we are. I’m a fan of progressivism because it emphasizes the ability to have intelligent free-thinking citizens. I like the idea that progressivism is a hands on technique of teaching. John Dewey thought there should be more observing and experimenting withe the subjects. He proposed a five step methods for solving problems: (1) become aware of the problem, (2) define it, (3) propose various hypotheses to solve it. (4) examine the consequences of each hypothesis in light of previous experience, and (5) test the most likely solution. I want to apply this style of teaching in my classroom and hope that the students respond as well as I think they will. In conclusion, I want to state that I feel strongly about promoting students to excel. I feel it is essential that children are confident about themselves and what they achieve while they are attending school. I want to present to the students in my classroom that they can feel free to be themselves and try to have them interacting with others. In teaching there are teachers and then there are great teachers. I will prove to be a great teacher!